Upload and edit your images
The photo alternates between two images.
The photo alternates between two images.
The higher the resolution the better the results. 200 – 300 DPI is preferred, however 150 DPI is an acceptable resolution. Resolution needs to be the native resolution at the final print size, not an adjusted resolution in Photoshop.
Maximum size for Express Solutions is 46”w x 70”h 26"W x 38"H (due to supply-chain). Images must include the standard 1/8” bleed (additional image area beyond the final trim). Both images uploaded must match in size and orientation. For sizes larger than 46" x 70" 26" x 38" (due to supply-chain), contact Tracer to discuss running your oversized print with our Custom Solutions option.
JPEG, TIF and PNG are the only acceptable file formats.
For example, a very dark image flipping to a very light photo (night and day), or highly saturated colors on one image flipping to a very light color can result in less than optimum results.***
For example, a very dark image area flipping over a very light image area (black over white or yellow), or highly saturated colors on one image flipping over a very light color can result in less than optimum results.***
The size of any text should be no smaller than 0.25" (1/4 inch) tall. Avoid fonts comprised of thin vertical lines. Bold, thick fonts will work best for lenticular.
Dimensions (inches)
Viewing Distance (ft.) Select your preferred viewing distance for optimal visual effect.
Rotate Rotate 90˚ Clockwise/Anticlockwise
Flip Flip Horizontally or Vertically
Position User arrow icons for fine tuning the cropbox location.
Zoom Adjust slider to zoom in/out of your image.
The photo alternates between two images.
Type : 2 Flip
Width : 0 Inches
Height : 0 Inches
I have complied with the Terms of Service. I have reviewed and accepted the design & that you own the rights to or have received permission to use the images selected